TheraScan supports the documentation needs for the production, shipping, inventory and dosing of Investigational Product (IP).

Production: Documentation requirements for the manufacturing of the IP can be uploaded and stored in TheraScan. With simple customization, TheraScan can support specific document categories.

Shipping: With a simple setup, shipping information can be loaded from couriers such as FedEx. This provides positive confirmation of both shipping and receiving. In addition, for those products that require temperature controlled environments, TheraScan can track environmental factors in supported shipping environments.

Inventory: TheraScan supports the use of RFID tags to automate the inventory of IP. An associated reader automatically reads the RFID tags in the stored inventory at the site. The derived inventory in turn is uploaded to the TheraScan system. The RFID-derived inventory can be confirmed using a remote medical scale and/or camera.

Dosing: When the dosing of the IP is linked first with the received shipments of the product, plus the disposal of unused product, TheraScan can tally an accurate inventory at any point in time. TheraScan can record and load the dosing information to the CTMS, often with a coupled RFID reader, barcode scanner or even smartphone app. Alternately, the CTMS system can send dosing transactions to the TheraScan system from electronic data capture in the case report forms.

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