TheraScan can integrate with Clinical Trial Management Systems either as a data originator, or as an interface. Therapeias has developed interfaces that communicate via a messaging system, via an HTML RESTful interface, direct TCP sockets, FTP/SCP file transfer, SMS messages and automated emails. This allows for communication on a system-to-system basis with most CTMSs.

Finance: TheraScan can prompt for invoicing based on meeting benchmarks such as patient enrollment, treatment completion or fulfillment of a trial master file. Prompts can be sent to sponsors, CROs and/or investigators.

Inventory: Therapeias has developed pathways to track shipments of Investigational Product (IP) and samples, including temperature logs, via an interface to shipping companies. Environmental data can be uploaded from remote sensors at sites to accurately track temperature, humidity, motion and light. Therapeias has also developed RFID systems to automate inventory tracking in real time. Cross referenced against dosages recorded in the CTMS allows for rigor in accurately tracking the creation, transit, usage and local inventory of IP.

Implementing TheraScan modules for remote Electronic Data Capture, web-enabled Essential Document Binders, centralized Severe Adverse Event Reporting and maintenance of the Trial Master File also complement an existing CTMS.

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